hello hi im mika aka rei, cherie, niki or ... the list goes on... i have many names you can call me anything you want im a silly little vampire doll boything who sleeps all day and doesnt really do anything else... im here for my puppy to tag me and dm me and thats really it lol but feel free to interact with me im always open to talking to people however im very very awkward...
i'm into YAOI, enstars, paralive, hypmic, hsr, i7, charisma house, silent hill, csm, chobits, jjk, bb, bsd, vocaloid, d4dj, prsk, valorant, rhythm games, mlp, roblox, musical theatre, vkei, jpop, kpop, dmmd, slow damage, skyrim, and a lot more things but i rarely talk about anything besides enstars...

i have a very loving fiancé... my sweetheart i love this thing so so so so much its unbelievable it is genuinely the only person that understands me and the only person ive ever met who is so nice and understanding and patient with me... it makes me so happy and i love spending time with it more than anything else in the world i am mostly just with it i dont really do other things... :3 i have a extensive list of f/o's and he is every single one of them so if i block you that might be why... e.g., shu itsuki, chuuya nakahara, hifumi izanami, kanata yatonokami, koga oogami, aventurine
im not comfortable saying who i am in media but i prefer no doubles if i ignore you or dont follow you back its probably bc you double me or my fiancé

byf i am a chronic lurker and spam posts rather than actually interacting with anyone, i cannot text people for the life of me, and i might go IA from time to time... pls dm first! i will not talk otherwise...
dni proshippers, zionists/consider yourself "neutral", if you think you like valkyrie and/or shu itsuki more than me, or if you hate shumika or reikoga. other than that no real dni just pls be mindful i have many disorders and that will effect how i communicate with you